JMG Seafood Company

Brand Development

Meet the Company

JMG Seafood Company is a new seafood distributor in Tampa, Florida.  Due to their location, they requested a “fun, retro, 80’s vibe” to match the Florida beach aesthetic.

The Brand Creation

Basing our concept off Miami Vice intro screens (yes really!) we first selected a bright, 80’s-evocative color palette.  These bold colors would be striking on product packaging, as well as attention-grabbing in digital representations.

Because the client wanted a fun logo, we used sea iconography as a modern contrast to the 80s color palette.  The J was transformed into a fishing hook, a whale tail was incorporated into the negative space in the M, and a swimming fish transforms the counter in the G.

Finally, we married the logomark and color palette in a variety of real-world scenarios, including packaging and stationery.  


Through the use of bold color and modern, negative space design, we branded JMG seafood into a fun, edgy, Florida-aesthetic distributor.

Project Scope




Johnathan G.
Founder, JMG Seafood
"I'm in love! Perfect. Oh wow!"
